Monday, December 10, 2007


Okay. It all started last Saturday...

I went to buy reload card. RM30 one. I think they don't have rm30 one, so they gave me three rm10 reload cards.

I was stupid enough to think that reloading all three of the rm10 one can be used for 1 month, like the rm30 one.

After reloading, i found out that i only can use THAT rm30 for 1 friggin week. Blardy hell..rm30 for one friggin week. How can i finish it. If i don't finish it, the next time i topup also surely cannot use finish one, and then forever cannot finish. Blardy hell..Stupid stupid stupid!!!

Anyone can tell me how to finish rm30 in one friggin blardy week? Damn it stupid reload card!!

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